Saturday, April 1, 2017
6:30 pm

Willie Sordillo Jazz Ensemble

Silent Auction
Tickets 15.00 adults
Youth $5.00
Kids 8 and under free

Proceeds will be divided between the two following causes.
(Follow the links below each to donate if you can’t come to the concert.)

Muscular Dystrophy
Rev. Stan’s grandson Lucas, is 11 years old,
and has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
His daughter, Karla, is running in
“Run For our Sons” to raise money and awareness about this crippling, terminal disease.
The link below goes to her sponsor page  
Click here to go to a video of Lucas and friend who also has MD. 
(Hint, the last two seconds are the best.) 

Summer Camp Tuition at QPCC for students in need

For tickets contact the office at 617-773-6424

or Deanna VanSchagen at 781-910-7761